Gone Girl - Gillian Flynn

While this book is well written, and was entertaining to listen to, it reminded me that I don't really like the mystery genre. I'm hesitant to say too much to prevent spoiling it for people who haven't read it yet, but the people are messed up. There are a lot of plot twists, so much so that I think it would have been better for me to have read it, instead of listening to it in the car, because I would often hit some plot twist just as I pulled up in front of my house, and would have to sit there to get to a decent stopping point. I felt like it was worth the read if only to be able to join the conversation, but I found it kind of disturbing and discouraging.
Where'd You Go Bernadette - Maria Semple

I really enjoyed this book. It is written in a very interesting style, as a compilation of "primary" sources, with explanation/narration between, so I had a lot of fun thinking through the events and piecing together the story. It's an easy read and really funny.